A BD Checklist: Best Practices for Partnering with Pharma

Throughout my 25+ years in industry, whether I am advising startups or mentoring individuals interested in career transitions to business development, I am often asked about my approach to deal making.  Here I share some best practices for biotechs looking to partner an asset with pharma.  I still use this approach to make better decisions […]


Should My Biotech Startup Buy Or Produce The Proteins We Use?

I joined Good Therapeutics (now Bonum Therapeutics) in the summer of 2021. This was a marvelous opportunity to develop a new class of regulated cytokine therapeutics for cancer and autoimmune diseases. My prime directive was to build a team focused on protein production and characterization, with an aim to select stable “manufacturable” leads to move […]


Developing the Next Generation of Targeted, Conditionally Active Cytokine Therapeutics

Four years ago, I joined Bonum Therapeutics’ predecessor, Good Therapeutics, fascinated by the mechanistic concept developed by Founder and CEO John Mulligan. He envisioned an antibody-cytokine fusion protein, or immunocytokine, wherein the cytokine was selectively active when the antibody portion was bound to its target. This idea was appealing, as it would potentially allow the […]


Founder & CEO John Mulligan Shares Bonum Therapeutics’ “No Jerks” Approach to Hiring

I founded Good Therapeutics in 2016 to develop context-based therapeutics with the aim of producing safer, more effective drugs. We were the first to use a shape-shifting mechanism based on antibody binding to build drugs that are inert in circulation but active in the presence of the antibody’s target. Our initial focus is on the […]


6 Tips for Successful Drug Discovery Teamwork

In my two previous articles, I’ve discussed the need to think about the big picture in drug research and development, as well as considerations that can improve one’s chances for success at the bench level. Overall, however, science is a team effort. And while people don’t always think about the choreography of good scientific teamwork, there are factors […]


The View from Business Development at Bonum Therapeutics

I want to share my excitement about the launch of Bonum Therapeutics. It is a unique moment for the team at Bonum, all of whom joined from our predecessor company, Good Therapeutics – and the highlight to date of my career, both as a scientist and as a business development executive. Our platform for using […]


6 Drug Discovery Learnings From The Lab

Experiments big and small are part and parcel of drug discovery. The common element to all of these centers on how we think about what we are doing, how we problem solve, and how we interpret and apply the things we learn. In this article, I’d like to focus on several insights from the perspective […]


Welcome to Bonum Therapeutics

I am writing today to commemorate the acquisition of Good Therapeutics by Roche and the launch of a new spinout company, Bonum Therapeutics. Roche has acquired Good’s PD-1 regulated IL-2 program, while the Good Therapeutics team, along with all other programs and the core technology, has moved to Bonum. We founded Good around three basic ideas: 1) that […]


4 Learnings From A Career Of Drug Discovery

Drug discovery is a challenging, high-risk, high-reward endeavor with the lofty goal of creating a product that helps people. Most of us go through our careers with many failures. I’ve personally seen and hit plenty of potholes on the drug discovery journey. That is just the nature of this enterprise. But after being engaged in […]

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